This journey map is a visual representation of the path that some people travel when they access healthcare services. This specialized map shows some of the shared ‘stops’ or moments for patients who have experienced harm on that journey.

Before the Journey Begins
Whether we are aware of them or not, we all have expectations before we enter the healthcare system. These expectations are unique since they are shaped by our past experiences, attitudes, and beliefs. Most people, however, have expectations of receiving appropriate care, of being physically and psychologically safe, of being respected, and of having their views, wishes, or preferences taken into consideration.
We commonly enter the healthcare system in a vulnerable state and in need. Most of us quickly recognize that we are now subject to the processes, rules, and requirements that are a part of Canadian healthcare. This can feel very disempowering, frustrating, scary, and stressful.
As with most crises, no one expects a patient safety incident and no one is ever really prepared. Those affected are often in shock and may need time to deal with the immediate situation and process information and emotions before recognizing that something is wrong. Finding information about how to raise a concern or register a concern/complaint is not clear or easy.
The search for validation can be long, confusing and exhausting. Healthcare providers’ version of events is often taken as ‘the truth’ and is privileged over patients’ accounts. This can leave patients feeling ‘gaslighted’ and/or blamed for the incident. In the absence of information and validation, patients may begin to question their own perceptions, memories, experiences, and feelings.
One life altered: Many impacted
The resolution of a harmful event is often protracted and the ripples negatively affect many people for years. In many instances, patients are limited in where they can receive healthcare and must return to the same place where the harm occurred; they may even interact with the same healthcare provider. This can be traumatizing because it can trigger a person to relive the original incident.
Lasting Impacts: Future Encounters
The experience of harm in healthcare can have lasting and wide-ranging effects on individuals and their families. These may include alterations in physical health and function; ongoing psychological difficulties; disruptions in relationships and social behaviour; and changes to spiritual health and well-being.